By category
Agriculture and food
Biblioteca (general)
Carreras de grado udesa
Charlas generales (general)
Comunidad de rrhh (general)
Cátedra unesco (general)
Departamentos - udesa
Deportes (general)
Educación ejecutiva (general)
Graduados (general)
Oficina de desarrollo (general)
Oficina de orientación al alumno (general)
Oficina de programas internacionales (general)
Posgrado udesa
Relaciones institucionales (general)
Seminarios (general)
área de extensión (general)

KML files can be read by Google Maps or Google Earth and compatible applications. They show on map the exact location of Eventos events.

ICS (iCalendar) files may be imported from almost every Schedule or Calendar application. This way, you'll be able to see Eventos events as future dates on your Calendar and you will be able to plan your attending on an intuitive way.

RSS is a content syndication system that will allow you to read news and posts from different sites on the same application. Adding Eventos to your sources will allow you to keep track of our events as you read your favourite sites updates.